There’s more to benefits than salary and health insurance. Here’s everything you should consider as you’re looking to attract and retain talent.
5 Common HR Mistakes Your Startup Should Avoid
Do You Offer a Retirement Plan Yet? What Illinois Small Businesses Need to Know About the New State Requirement.
As of November 1, 2019, the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act (more commonly known as Secure Choice) will require all businesses with over 25 employees that have been operating for more than two years to offer their employees access to a qualified retirement savings account.
If you’re a small business located in IL here’s what you need to know…
10 Fundamental Aspects of HR to Keep in Order
3 Things that Don’t Look Like HR Problems But Actually Are
Unwritten rules, multi-tasking employees, a sense of shared purpose – these things can be essential to getting a business off the ground. But they can also cause major problems as you start to grow.
In this blog post, we’ll address three common DIY scenarios that can lead to HR-related problems, along with ways to solve them.
When to Invest in HR for Your Business
Startups and small business owners alike are used to going without a lot of resources they’d like to have – and that’s often a savvy business move but there reaches a point where you shouldn’t put off focusing on your organization’s HR needs.
There’s no one answer that applies to everyone. But from our experience working with hundreds of small businesses, we’ve found that the following situations usually signal that a business could run more efficiently by hiring an HR professional or outsourcing HR functions to a PEO.
How to Save Your Startup from Costly Hiring Mistakes
Most startups and small businesses can’t afford the costs that associated with employee turnover. Tips to improve recruiting, interviewing and on-boarding so you’re more likely to end up with a great team.
We’ve written in the past about what to do if you make a hiring mistake. Now we’ll offer some insight on how to avoid that problem in the first place.
First, some context: a bad hire isn’t just a people problem – it’s hurts your bottom line. Replacing an employee can cost more than 200 percent of their salary – not the kind of money most startups can spare.
Preventing bad hires and avoiding the associated costs requires a two-pronged approach: first, focus on recruiting the right people. Second, make sure you set them up for success in their first days, weeks, and months on your team. Let’s dig into both.
Handling Employee Performance Issues: When There’s More to the Story
If your business has 15 or more employees, you’re obligated to follow ADA guidelines for providing reasonable accommodation to employees with disabilities. Here’s how to do that.
Managing an underperforming employee is one of the trickiest jobs business leaders have, especially if you’re a startup or small business without a head of HR to turn to for guidance.
The job gets even more complicated if an employee has a disability, which is what we’ll dedicate this blog post to. “Disabilities” don’t just include things like using a wheelchair or having a vision impairment: the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines “disability” broadly, including conditions like…
Top 4 Reasons Employees Leave Startups
Employee turnover is expensive at any business. For startups, the costs can be especially high: when your team is small, even one person leaving can upset the balance. If that person hasn’t documented everything they do, the impact is even bigger. And when you’re forced to spend your time interviewing, debating over candidates, and eventually onboarding, you put time-sensitive goals at risk.
The good news is that you can reduce turnover by making sure you’re not guilty of any of these four known retention-killers.
You Made a Bad Hire. Now What?
Realizing you made a hiring mistake can feel like a gut punch. You know you'll have to restart the time-consuming search and recruitment process, get your new, new hire up to speed and hope you don’t lose too much ground in the process. The truth is, even the best hiring managers make bad hires from time to time. So if you find yourself here, the good news is there are steps you can take to part ways peacefully and minimize the impact a bad hire has on your time and bottom line.